International student program management software – ISP Database!

May 15, 2017

ISP Database is an international student program management software. It simplifies the work of school administrators and staff. Managing international students, host families and agents has never been so easy. The ISP Database software ends up installed on each user’s computer. Yet the ISP launcher connects to the same database, so school employees manage data in one place.
One or more users can launch the application to get access to school’s data. Any updates show to all users on their local copy of the ISP Database.


The ISP Database has several modules to work with. The most important ones are the Students module, the Homestay module, and the Agent module. There are also extra modules, such as the audit log, or the letters module, and the list can go on. Each module manages specific information and different functionalities are available. For instance, the student module keeps track of the student’s information. View details such as their first name, last name, birth date, nationality, and the list can go on.

But this is not all! The student module has enriched functionalities. They make it easy for you to navigate between students, keep track of issued invoices or communicate with the student.

The host family module and the agent module function on the same principles. They allow easy navigation between records, and easy communication. At the same time they keep details related to each case. In the Homestay module, you can keep track of hobbies, house details, and family members of the host family. Or if we’re talking about agents, you can view agency details or agent contact information.

You can check for each student the host family he’s currently at, as well as the agent that recruited the student. You can also have a detailed view of the students currently living with a particular host family. History of students residing with that particular family is also available. On the agent you’ll see a history of recruited students and commission information.
All the modules are customizable based on your needs and requirements. If you want to keep track of changes, activating the audit log may be the best solution. Other functionalities allow you to upload information from excel spreadsheets into the database. Then with a single click you update the records.

All the modules and the functionalities of the ISP Database have one thing in common. They strive to simplify your work. Be it to save you from manual data entry, or to keep track of your students, the ISP Database makes your job easier. It’s the international student program management software you need.